This is an age-old question that continues to be asked even in the 21st Century. I believe this question must have started back in the 1950's (or before) when potential buyer's had to drive around to see every property and they didn't want to do so when the weather was cold. I have heard the question enough that it finally caused me to do the research to see if it is still better to wait until spring like it was a few decades ago. The market facts for the Grand Strand show two very interesting things; First the spring quarter (1st quarter) is the slowest period for sales in our market. Second, the difference between the worst quarter and the best quarter is almost insignificant. When you look at the total number of properties sold broken down over the four quarters we see that our area is very consistent. Probably most areas are now, unless you have to contend with 4-5 feet of snow on the ground. I beolieve there are a couple good reasons for this and the best one is that the Grand Strand has a large enough population now that it isn't so seasonal anymore (have you been on Hwy 17 lately since September?). We have a large enough buyer pool to support year-round real estate sales. Sure, the market is still seasonal for bathing suits, restaurants and gold courses, but not real estate. The second reason is due to the advancement in technology. Shopping for real estate starts on a couch somewhere and grows into a visit to the property. If a potential Buyer is sitting in Toms River, NJ thinking of buying in Myrtle Beach and sees a property of interest they won't wait until beach weather to come see it.
So, is it better to wait? Waiting or moving forward to sell a property should be decided by your desire to sell, financial information and the other properties you'll compete against - but not the weather.
If you would like to see the quarterly report for selling volume email us at with Quarterly Report in your subject line.